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Example: Driving licence knowledge test start page
Example: How it looks when you take a driving licence test
Example: Driving licence theory test statistics
Example: Explanations to driving licene theory test questions
Driving theory questions: Vehicle
Driving theory questions: Environment
Driving theory questions: Traffic safety
Driving theory questions: Traffic regulations
Driving theory questions: Individual circumstances
Driving theory questions: Road signs
Driving theory questions: Which statement is true regarding the oncoming car that intends to drive in the same direction as you?
Driving theory questions: Are you permitted to cross the solid, continuous line in order to park at the red arrow?
Driving theory questions: Does the priority-to-the-right rule apply at the junction shown at the end of the video?
Driving theory questions: You are considering the possibility of overtaking the lorry that has pulled out in front of you. The temperature is +2°C. What do you need to think about?
Driving theory questions: What applies at the junction when the video ends?
Driving theory questions: You have stopped temporarily at the side of the road. Which statement is true when you want to rejoin the road?
Driving theory questions: You intend to turn right. When the video ends, the road you wish to drive onto is free from intersecting traffic. Which statement is true?
Theory questions: Which statement is true at the junction shown at the end of the video?
Theory questions: Are you permitted to park here?
Theory questions: Your lane will end shortly. Which statement is true?
Theory questions: The speed limit is 50 km/h. Are you permitted to pass the van in conjunction with the pedestrian crossing?
Theory questions: Which statement is true when you are overtaken in this situation?
Theory questions: With consideration to the pedestrian and the pedestrian crossing, which statement is true?
Theory questions: Which statement is true at the coming junction?
Driving licence test: You intend to drive straight ahead at the junction. Do you have an obligation to give way?
Driving licence test: Could it be prohibited to drive a vehicle when you are tired?
Driving licence test: You intend to turn left. Which statement is true if a vehicle comes from the right?
Driving licence test: Which statement is true in this situation?
Driving licence test: What does this sign combination mean?
Driving licence test: Which sign indicates that vehicle parking is prohibited only on odd-numbered dates?
Driving licence test: Which signs indicate the direction to be followed?
Driving licence exam: When driving in winter conditions, do you have to have studded tyres on the trailer if you have studded tyres on your car?
Driving licence exam: You intend to continue straight ahead. Do you have an obligation to give way to the car that is reversing?
Driving licence exam: When is it prohibited to use studded tyres, if winter road conditions are not prevailing?
Driving licence exam: You intend to continue straight ahead. Are you permitted to pass the buses?
Driving licence exam: Is there reason to suspect that something is wrong if the brake pedal depresses slowly when pressed hard?
Driving licence exam: Can the way you drive influence your fuel consumption?
Driving licence exam: Why should you remove a roof box when not using it?
Theory test: Which alternative is generally preferred?
Theory test: The time is 14.00 on a Saturday. You are not a resident. Are you permitted to park here until 08.00 on Monday?
Theory test: You intend to travel in the same direction as the moped. Which statement is true at the moment the video ends?
Theory test: You are driving on a motorway. Which statement is true, with regard to the white car that is driving in the acceleration lane?
Theory test: Is it permitted to drive very slowly with no reason?
Theory test: You do not have a parking permit. Are you permitted to park here?
Theory test: There are no vehicles behind you. Are you permitted to remain in the left-hand lane and overtake the second lorry?
Theory exam: Do you have an obligation to give way to vehicles coming from the right?
Theory exam: Could there be intersecting traffic on the same level further ahead on this road?
Theory exam: What is the most difficult thing to estimate during an overtaking?
Theory exam: Are there special regulations for different types of processions, such as a group of children with a leader?
Theory exam: If you hit a pedestrian, what difference does it make if you were driving 30 km/h rather than 50 km/h?
Theory exam: Which statement is true at this junction?
Theory exam: You have 390 kg of cargo inside the car and the maximum load is 400 kg. What is true?
Knowledge exam: How often do you have to inspect a car that is more than 5 years old?
Knowledge exam: What type of damage is not covered by third-party insurance?
Knowledge exam: Is it permitted to drive the car on a public road?
Knowledge exam: What increases the risk of speed blindness?
Knowledge exam: You want to continue to the right. Which statement is true in the situation shown as the video ends?
Knowledge exam: The driver has unloaded cargo in the red storage unit and wishes to turn out onto the priority road. What rule applies?
Knowledge exam: Is parking forbidden at the place shown when the video ends?
Driving theory questions: Can your licence be revoked if you violate the obligation to stop?
Driving theory questions: Where is it prohibited to park in connection with a level crossing?
Driving theory questions: Is the trailer classed as a light trailer if it is connected to the car?
Driving theory questions: You intend to continue straight ahead at the junction. Which statement is true?
Driving theory questions: Should the airbag on the front passenger seat be activated if a rear-facing child seat is installed there?
Driving theory questions: Who is responsible for a 13 year old passenger using their seat belt?
Driving theory questions: You are driving a car at 70 km/h. What is true about the noise that arises?
Theory test: What does this road sign mean?
Theory test: What is meant by the flashing white light?
Theory test: What does this road sign mean?
Theory test: What does it mean if this symbol lights up on the dashboard?
Theory test: Which of the following is true about your night vision after being dazzled by the full beams of another vehicle?
Theory test: Do you have to turn off your full beam headlights when approaching a train travelling in the opposite direction?
Theory test: You park your car here at 16.54 on a Tuesday. What time must you state on the parking disc?
Driving theory questions: Which statement is true in this situation?
Driving theory questions: At the beginning of the video, your car is parked. Do you have an obligation to signal using your direction indicators before you drive?
Example: Theory test settings
Theory & regulations
Theory Book – Driving Licence Book 2025 (PDF)
Buy the latest driving licence book
Driving Licence Book – free PDF
Swedish traffic rules in Theory Book
Free driving licence book (Swedish / English)
Driving licence theory 2025, Sweden
Driving Licence Book 2025
Theory Book 2025 (e-book/PDF)
Driving licence book with theory tests
Easy to read driving licence book (Sweden)
Road signs book (Swedish traffic signs)
Theory Book – Driving Licence Book 2024
Theory Book – Driving Licence Book 2023
Traffic regulations
Introduction & terms, driving licence book 2025
Lanes & placement
Priority rules
Pedestrian crossing, bicycle crossing & bicycle path
Stop & park
Country road
Motorway & clearway
Railway crossing
Special streets
Winter & icy roads
Road signs
Warning signs – road signs
Priority signs – road signs
Prohibitory signs – road signs
Mandatory signs – road signs
Instruction signs – road signs
Direction signs – road signs
Information signs – road signs
Symbols – road signs
Additional panels – road signs
Traffic signals – road signs
Road markings – road signs
Other signs – road signs
Signals at railway crossings and level crossings – road signs
Traffic officer – road signs
Signals by police officers – road signs
Learning & maturity
Alcohol & drunk driving
Traffic accidents
Vehicle regulations
Vehicle terms
Distances (reaction, braking, stopping)
Crash safety
Child safety seats
Length & width
Weights, load & trailer
Safety checks
Roadworthiness test
Service & maintenance
Registration certificate
Car insurance
Environment & economy
Court cases – selected examples of interesting court cases, traffic-related
Obtaining a licence
Before you begin
Price & cost
Qualifications & requirements
Learner’s permit
Supervisor training
Driving lessons
Risk training (part 1)
Skid training (part 2)
Theory test
Driving test
Test statistics
Study materials
Swedish driving licence book online (2025)
Driving licence theory test app
Driving licence theory test app for iPhone
Example of the start page in the iPhone app
Example of a theory test in the iPhone app
Example of an explanation in the iPhone app
Example of statistics in the iPhone app
Example of settings in the iPhone app
Driving licence theory test app for Android
Example of the start page in the Android app
Example of a theory test in the Android app
Example of an explanation in the Android app
Example of statistics in the Android app
Example of settings in the Android app
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