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Theory questions:
Traffic safety
Traffic regulations
Individual circumstances
Road signs
Free questions
When is it prohibited to use studded tyres, if winter road conditions are not prevailing?
Can the way you drive influence your fuel consumption?
Why should you remove a roof box when not using it?
Which alternative is generally preferred?
You are driving a car at 70 km/h. What is true about the noise that arises?
Paid questions
How should you act to minimise carbon dioxide emissions?
Which of the following is applicable to catalytic converters and cold starts?
What proportion of the harmful substances does the catalytic converter filter out?
Which are the two substances primarily produced by a functioning catalytic converter?
You have just stopped by a guarded railway crossing. To your right on the railway track, you see a long freight train approaching slowly. How should you react?
Which alternative does not describe economic driving?
Is it good to keep the heater connected for longer than recommended?
Which is the most important reason for banning studded tyres?
Is it appropriate to wash your car where the dirt and detergent runs off into a regular manhole?
Which of the following is applicable to wide tyres and fuel consumption?
Does your fuel consumption generally increase when you use the air conditioning (AC)?
Which alternative best describes a hybrid car?
Which are the two substances primarily produced by a functioning catalytic converter?
The air pressure in your tyres is 25% too low. What is true in comparison to having recommended air pressure?
What is true about older diesel cars without particle filters?
Which type of fuel contributes the most to the excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Is traffic the main cause of air pollution in many densely populated areas?
Overall, which of the following gases constitutes the greatest threat to the environment?
What is infrasound in the context of traffic?
Is it possible to reduce the soot and particle emissions of a diesel vehicle?
About how much carbon dioxide does an average car in Sweden emit each year?
Which option is an example of environmentally friendly driving?
Does a regular roadworthiness test look at the car’s emissions?
Which option gives examples of fossil fuels?
Which is the worst place to wash your car from an environmental perspective?
How much lead does the petrol sold in Sweden today contain?
The speed limit for this section of road has been reduced from 110 to 90 km/h. What is the main reason for this?
Which option is true?
Which statement is true regarding a correctly used engine heater?
Which alternative applies to infrasound?
Which option is true?
Which option is true?
Is it true that noise is only a problem for people who live close to major country roads?
Which type of traffic has the smallest environmental impact per passenger kilometre?
Which statement is true regarding engine braking?
It is winter, and you need to scrape the windows. Which option is true?
Which is the primary reason why studded tyres are not recommended in built-up areas?
Is it true that fuel consumption is reduced by around 10% if you lower your speed from 110 km/h to 100 km/h?
Old questions
What does a catalytic converter do?
Which statement is true regarding the gas carbon dioxide?
Which option is an example of environmentally friendly driving?
Which option gives examples of fossil fuels?
What type of acceleration is the most environmentally friendly with a warmed-up car of a newer model?
What is true about cold starts?
Which fuel contributes the least to the greenhouse effect?
How long before departure should you preheat the engine if the outside temperature is -20 °C?
How long before departure should you preheat the engine if the outside temperature is -4 °C?
How long before departure should you preheat the engine if the outside temperature is +10 °C?
What are HA oils?
What are retreaded tyres?
Which of the following is applicable to four-wheel drive and fuel consumption?
Which rpm level should you avoid exceeding if you want the catalytic converter to be effective?
Do all new cars that are sold within the EU have to meet any environmental requirements?
Which alternative gives examples of substances that the Euro norm has established limits for?
What should you do to conserve fuel in this situation?
Which statement is true regarding catalytic converters?
Which statement applies to the stretch 15 metres after this crossing?
Which engine emits the most harmful nitric oxides?
How much higher are the emissions of harmful particles from a diesel engine without a particle filter compared to a diesel engine with one?
What type of diesel is sold in Sweden?
Is it true that biofuels reduce the total carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere?
Which alternative describes something that reduces the blood’s ability to take up oxygen and is lethal in large doses?
Which alternative is something that can have an impact on genetic material, cause cancer and also contribute to the formation of tropospheric ozone?
Which alternative is something that contributes to the acidification and eutrophication of water, while also having an effect on our breathing?
Which alternative is something that is dangerous close to the earth’s surface but good higher in the atmosphere?
What is a car pool?
Is it good or bad to wax your car from an environmental perspective?
Does fuel costs increase or decrease with environmentally friendly driving?
Which statement is true regarding the fuel consumption per kilometre for a petrol-driven car with a catalytic converter after a cold start?
You are going to Malmö and have a choice between two routes. Route A is 50 km and route B is 57 km long. Which option is true?
Which alternative is true?
Which option is true?
Which two exhaust substances contribute to the formation of tropospheric ozone?
Which statement is true regarding the gas carbon dioxide?
What is true when it comes to the fuel consumption of new cars?
Which alternative describes a way of conserving fuel?
Approximately what proportion of the Swedish carbon dioxide emissions are caused by road traffic?
What is PM10?
How much of the fuel used for road transports in Sweden comes from fossil sources?
Which amount of carbon dioxide emissions could be avoided annually in Sweden if everyone kept to the speed limits?
What is true regarding the emissions of sulphur dioxide?
What is true when it comes to the development of the air quality in built-up areas since the early 1990s?
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