Driving theory questions

Which road sign(s) has/have no corresponding end sign?

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A: Motorway ends (E2)
If the sign is used as preparatory information indicating that a motorway is ending, the distance is given on an additional panel. The sign is not used when a motorway turns into a clearway.

B: Purposeful location ends (C41)
The sign does not need to be posted if it is otherwise clear that the purposeful location comes to an end. Other purposes may be indicated on the sign. The Swedish Transport Agency has the authority to issue provisions regarding which purposes may be indicated.

C: Pedestrian street ends (E8)
The sign does not need to be posted if it is otherwise clear that the pedestrian street comes to an end.

It is not as important to know where a road number ends, as this does not impact on what you are allowed to do (such as stopping and parking).

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