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There are two indications that the left-hand lane will soon end:
At around 3 seconds.
At around 10 seconds. The M20 sign states that you must change lane as soon as possible.
Run-through of the alternative answers:
- Stay in the left-hand lane and overtake the two vehicles ahead, because the safety margin for joining the right-hand lane ahead of the lorry is too small.
– Even in good weather conditions, it would be inappropriate to overtake the two vehicles ahead. In this example, when visibility is poor, it would be extremely inappropriate. How can you know, for example, that there aren’t even more vehicles further ahead? This alternative does, however, have a point with regard to the margin of safety to the lorry you overtook at the beginning of the video. However, the entire answer must be correct.
- Refrain from any more overtaking and quickly change to the right-hand lane in the safest possible way, because the left-hand lane will soon end.
– Because this answer says that you must change lanes in “the safest possible way”, you are not limited to doing so in a particular way. The best option is presumably to change lane almost immediately where the video ends. However, it is very important that you consider the distance to the lorry behind. If you decide that it is safer to brake and allow the lorry to pass you again, this is also permitted by this answer.
This is an example of one of the driving theory questions at Kö (also in theory tests in Arabic).
There is also a driving licence book online (2025).
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