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There is nothing to indicate that anything other than the priority-to-the-right rule applies: “When the paths of two vehicles intersect with each other, drivers are obliged to give way to the vehicle coming from the right”. (Road Traffic Ordinance)
The road to the right is a dead-end (‘No through road’). You may drive on this road, but the road does not lead anywhere.

No through road (E17)
“This sign indicates that passage is not possible. The symbol is adapted to conditions at the location and may be included as part of a direction sign. If passage by bicycle or class II mopeds is possible, this will be stated by the incorporation of the ‘Bicycles or class II mopeds’ symbol (S8) into the sign.”
Visibility is obscured and it could be advisable to drive slowly or even to stop. There is, however, only an obligation to stop if there is a Stop sign, which there is not in this situation.
This is an example of one of the driving theory questions at Kö (also in theory tests in Arabic).
There is also a driving licence book online (2025).
More examples of theory questions:
- You intend to turn right at the junction. May you change to the right-hand lane at the moment the video ends?
- What is engine idling?
- Can different municipalities have different rules regarding, for example, parking?
- You had planned to continue straight ahead at the junction. At the moment the video ends, you change your mind and wish to turn left instead. Which statement is true?
- You intend to turn right at the junction, at the end of the video. Which statement is true, with regard to the car coming from the left?
- You know from experience that you are in the lane that is most appropriate, with regard to your continued travel. Which statement is true?
- You are driving towards Göteborg, and have just overtaken another vehicle. Which statement is true, if you do not intend to overtake any other vehicles?
- You are driving towards Södertälje C. Are you permitted to pass the car towing the trailer?
- You want to turn right at the coming junction. Which statement is true?
- Which statement is true with regard to the pedestrian crossing ahead?
- Are there special rules for when you are overtaking road work vehicles working on the road?
- How should you position the car when you are driving on a country road void of traffic in the dark?
- Which statement is true in this situation?
- You are driving on a road that has two designated lanes in your direction. Which lane should you choose if the maximum permitted speed is 70 km/h?
- What does tunnel vision mean?
- You intend to travel to the left. Which statement is true with regard to the additional information panel that shows how the roads continue at the junction?
- When you are really close to the coming junction, you realise that you intend to turn right. You do not have enough time to prepare the turn as you normally would. Which statement is true?
- Which statement is true if you continue driving forwards when the video ends?
- If you are driving at 100 km/h and increase your speed to 110 km/h, how much time do you gain per 10 km?
- At the start of the video, you are driving on a priority road. Which statement applies at the coming junction?
Video watch page.
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