Driving theory questions

Do you have an obligation to give way to the cyclist who wants to cross the road?

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The road marking you will drive over (together with the road markings denoting a pedestrian crossing and a speed bump) is:

Bicycle passage or bicycle crossing (M16)
The sign indicates a bicycle passage or a bicycle crossing where there is a ‘Bicycle crossing’ sign (B8). If the road marking indicates a bicycle crossing, it shall be combined with the ‘Give way line’ sign (M14).

Because these are missing:

Bicycle crossing (B8)

Give way line (M14)

It can be concluded that this is a bicycle passage and not a bicycle crossing.

A driver who is approaching an uncontrolled bicycle passage shall adapt their speed in order to avoid any risk to cyclists or moped drivers who are using the bicycle passage.” (Road Traffic Ordinance)

The obligation to give way referred to in the question means that you must stop and allow the cyclist to pass. You are not obliged to do this in this example. If it was the intention that you should have such an obligation, the road layout would have included a bicycle crossing instead.

Does it not make a difference that the bicycle passage is raised?
– No, this does not change the rules.

May I allow the cyclist to pass if I wish?
– Yes.

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