Could you be obliged to reduce your speed in order to increase your distance from the white car driving ahead of you?
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There are no rights in traffic, only obligations. This question is a good example of this.
The driver of the white car certainly has an obligation to execute the lane-changing manoeuvre in a safe manner with good margins for error. Once the white car has joined your lane ahead of you, however, you have this responsibility:
“The distance to a vehicle ahead shall be adapted so that there is no risk of collision if the vehicle should slow down or stop.” (Road Traffic Ordinance)
The laws are written to ensure maximum road safety. The idea that you “have the right” to continue to drive close behind the white car because you “were there first” would not increase road safety.
Is it not dangerous for me to reduce my speed here?
– Possibly, but this is why the question asks whether you could be obliged to reduce your speed, not whether you must do so. This question concerns the early stage in this situation. The exact actions you should take are not the subject of the question, because they will be determined by the distance to traffic behind you and the actions taken by the driver of the white car after it has completed the manoeuvre.
This is an example of one of the driving theory questions at Kö There are three languages: English (free demo test), Swedish (free demo test) and Arabic (free demo test)
There is also a driving licence book online (2025).
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