Driving theory questions

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Car A has just passed car B. Was this allowed?

Normally it is prohibited to overtake on the right side as A is doing. However, there are exceptions:

In the following cases, it is not considered overtaking when a vehicle in one lane passes a vehicle in another lane:
1. if the carriageway has two or several lanes in the same direction and there is heavy queue formation in all lanes,
2. if the carriageway is divided into lanes for different destinations that are marked with lane assignment signs, or
3. or if the vehicles were in separate lanes in conjunction with a junction.

(Swedish Road Traffic Ordinance)

Car A definitely fulfils point 3 (and possibly also point 1), which means that it was permitted to pass B.

It would not be reasonable for A to have to check to the left to see how fast B is accelerating, or perhaps even be forced to stop and wait if B has engine failure. There is simply no increased risk with letting A pass B.

Is “Yes, since the lanes are marked with lane assignment signs for different destinations” not also correct?
– No, “lane assignment signs” are signs not lines:

Lane assignment sign (F8)
The sign indicates the lane or lanes suitable when travelling to the destination. The sign is placed above the lane or lanes to which it relates. A lane assignment sign can also be used as preparatory information regarding an exit road. In such cases, the distance to the exit road is indicated under the symbol for the exit road.

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