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Which statement is true regarding this road sign?

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Track for rider on horseback (D8)
This sign also indicates that pedestrian traffic is permitted.

Review of the options:

  • Pedestrian traffic is permitted.
    – Yes, pedestrian traffic is permitted in accordance with the above quote from the Road Sign Ordinance. In addition, the other alternatives are wrong. This is the right answer.

  • The sign tells you to beware of horses.
    – This is a mandatory sign, not a warning sign. This option is therefore incorrect.

  • Only horses may pass the sign.
    – It says that it “also indicates that pedestrian traffic is permitted”. This option is therefore incorrect.

  • Only horses and riders may pass the sign.
    – It says that it “also indicates that pedestrian traffic is permitted”. This option is therefore incorrect.

Is this not an unnecessary catch question?
– No, this question puts the spotlight on something important, namely that you cannot simply look at the symbol on the road sign, you must also be aware of the accompanying text.

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