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What is true about this combination of signs?

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Give way (B1)
The sign indicates that a driver is obliged to give way to a vehicle on the intersecting road or route and that the regulations of Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Swedish Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276) apply. The sign can be erected together with the additional panel T2 – distance to – as preparatory information regarding the obligation to give way, or together with the additional panel T3 – stop and give way at specified distance – as preparatory information regarding the obligation to stop. If all approach roads in a junction are obliged to give way, this is indicated with the additional panel T13, all-roads give way.

The give way sign thus has several meanings:

  • Give way sign = “obligation to give way to vehicles on the intersecting road”.
  • Give way sign + Additional panel T3 = “preparatory information regarding the obligation to stop” (same as in the question).

Is it not true that I have an obligation to give way at the sign and am also obliged to stop 200 metres further on?
– No, you are not to do anything at the actual sign; it only tells you that you have an obligation to stop further on.

The signs are posted at an ordinary stretch of road with no intersecting traffic, meaning that the obligation to give way is not applicable. The obligation to stop refers to the junction further down the road on the right.

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