Driving theory questions

You are driving on a priority road. Which action should you take in this situation?

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It is true that the lorry has the obligation to give way, because you are driving on a priority road. The problem is, however, that you can never trust that all other drivers will always follow all the rules. You must pay attention to anything that suggests that the rules might not be being followed.

In this example, the lorry is approaching the junction at worryingly high speed. Perhaps the driver is distracted and has not seen you?

The speed of the lorry is sufficiently high that you must exercise caution and make preparations to brake, but it is not so high that you must panic and immediately brake. By preparing to brake, you can also assess the situation behind you. If you panic and brake immediately, you could cause a collision from behind.

There are other safety factors that help you here. The road is wide and free of oncoming traffic, which would enable you to steer to the side if necessary, and the road conditions are also good.

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