Driving theory questions

The speed limit for this section of road has been reduced from 110 to 90 km/h. What is the main reason for this?

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The word ‘buller’ used on the sign refers to the noise caused by traffic (in this case, the noise made by the tyres travelling at high speeds on the asphalt road surface). The noise of traffic is a problem for those who live close to the road. Note the noise-reducing measures (walls, glas barriers) that have been set up along the side of the road.

Why do I need to know this?
– The Road Traffic Ordinance states that you must “show consideration to those who live or work by the road”. If you think that the speed limit is being reduced so that it does not disturb you when you are sitting in your car, it is possible that you will not respect this restrictive measure as you do not feel that it is a problem. If, however, you know that the speed reduction has been made so as to not disturb others in the vicinity, you will perhaps show greater understanding. Either way, the decision has been made that everybody who wishes to obtain a driver’s licence must have knowledge of the environment, noise and the showing of consideration.

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