Theory test

Which statement is true if a vehicle comes from A?

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The priority-to-the-right rule: “When the paths of two vehicles intersect with each other, drivers are obliged to give way to the vehicle coming from the right”. (Road Traffic Ordinance)

Run-through of the alternative answers:

  • I have an obligation to give way, because the priority-to-the-right rule applies.
    – Correct. Because there is nothing that suggests otherwise, the priority-to-the-right rule applies at the junction.

  • The vehicle coming from A has an obligation to give way, in accordance with the sign placed just before the junction.
    – Wrong. The road sign is a ‘Zone sign’, which states that parking is prohibited.

  • The vehicle coming from A has an obligation to give way, because I am driving on the larger road.
    – Wrong. The relative size of the roads does not affect the priority-to-the-right rule.

  • Neither of us has an obligation to give way, because both roads are minor country roads that do not have road names.
    – Wrong. The fact that the roads are not named does not affect the priority-to-the-right rule.

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