Driving licence exam

You intend to continue straight ahead. Are you permitted to pass the buses?

A vehicle’s speed shall be adapted to what is required to ensure traffic safety. [...] The speed may never be so high that the driver is unable to retain control of the vehicle or is unable to stop the vehicle on the part of the road or the off-road area ahead that is within his or her sight or in front of every obstacle that may be predicted. [...] In addition to other cases that are specifically stated, a driver must with consideration to the circumstances maintain a sufficiently low speed [...] when the vehicle approaches a tram, a bus or a school transport vehicle that has stopped for embarkation or disembarkation” (Road Traffic Ordinance).

A person stepping out from between stationary buses is a risk that can be predicted. In other words, you may not drive fast and claim that it was impossible to predict that somebody might step out into the road.

Run-through of the alternative answers:

  • No, because the bus closest to me is signalling that it intends to leave the bus stop.
    – Wrong. The bus closest to you is indicating to the right. If the driver was intending to leave the bus stop, he or she would use their left indicators.

  • No, because the road sign above the road forbids it.
    – Wrong. The overhead road sign is called ‘Marking for obstacle’, and is used to make it easier for tall vehicles to see the overhead height limitation.

  • Yes, if I maintain a sufficiently low speed to be able to stop if anybody steps out from between the buses.
    – Correct. It is important that you maintain a low speed so that you can stop if anybody steps out from between the buses.

  • Yes, if I increase my speed so that I have time to pass before any of the buses leave the bus stop.
    – Wrong. You are not permitted to increase your speed in a potentially hazardous situation such as this.

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