Knowledge exam

What does it mean to adapt your speed to the situation in a safe manner?

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Review of the options:

  • Driving around 5 km/h slower than what is indicated by the road signs.
    – If it is a perfect summer day and you are driving on a wide and safe road, then why should you drive slower? That is not adapting your speed to the situation.

  • Always following the flow of traffic.
    – The flow of traffic is part of adapting to the situation, but if following the flow means driving too fast, it is not safe.

  • Assessing for yourself what the appropriate speed is, without surpassing the road speed limit.
    – You are the one currently in your situation and therefore the person best suited to determine what the appropriate speed is. If you have a driving licence, you have proven that you can make this type of assessment after all!

  • Relying on reports on the condition of the road from the Swedish Transport Administration and from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute when choosing your speed
    – This is part of adapting your speed to the situation, but the previous alternative is much better. It is impossible for government agencies and others to keep absolute track of every single metre of road.

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