Should you continue straight ahead at the railway crossing at the instant when the video ends?
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Stopping on a railway crossing is strictly forbidden and must be avoided at almost any cost, because an extremely dangerous situation could arise if a train comes.
Because the car ahead of you has been forced to stop on the tracks, it appears that there is dense traffic with queues forming further ahead. If you drive forwards at the same moment the video ends, there is therefore a major risk that you will also be forced to stop on the tracks.
Run-through of the alternative answers:
But the traffic ahead is moving – can’t I begin to drive?
– No, you do not know when it might stop again. You may not drive onto the railway crossing if you are not completely sure that you can pass the whole crossing without stopping. At the instant when the video ends, the car in front is still on the tracks, so you cannot be certain that you can pass over the whole crossing if you enter at this moment. Perhaps you may be able to drive on in 3 seconds, but not at the instant when the video ends, as is specified in the question.
This is an example of one of the driving theory questions at Kö (also in theory tests in Arabic).
There is also a driving licence book online (2025).
More examples of theory questions: