Theory test

Which statement is true in this situation?

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Animals (A19)
The sign indicates a site or section of road where there is a particular risk of animals either on or by the road. Other symbols may be used on the sign. The Swedish Transport Agency may announce provisions concerning which other symbols may be used.

Run-through of the alternative answers:

  • After 900 metres, there may not be elk on the road.
    – Wrong. The road sign does not guarantee that areas further ahead are free of wild animals. It has been deemed to be extra important to provide this warning for the next 800 metres, but it is very possible that there may be elk after 900 metres.

  • After 400 metres, wild animals could run out onto the road.
    – Correct. Do not place too much importance on the fact that an elk is depicted on this sign. Other animals (e.g. deer) could also run out onto the road.

  • For the next 800 metres after the road sign, there is a wildlife protection fence.
    – Wrong. There is nothing to suggest this.

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