Theory test

Are you permitted to stop at the red arrow in order to drop off a passenger?

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This road sign is displayed at the start of the video:

No stopping or parking (C39)

Run-through of alternative answers:

  • Yes, but only if the distance between my vehicle and the continuous line is 3 metres or more.
    – Wrong. The prohibitory sign takes precedence over this rule.

  • No, it is forbidden, in accordance with a prohibitory sign.
    – Correct.

  • No, it is forbidden because the speed limit on the road is 70 km/h.
    – Wrong. There is nothing in the law that forbids you to stop on a 70 km/h road.

  • No, it is forbidden because the road is a priority road.
    – Wrong. You are normally permitted to stop (but not park) on a priority road.

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