Driving theory questions

You are driving at 50 km/h and there is a car behind you. Which statement is true when you pass the 70 km/h sign?

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It is true that the law states the following:

A driver is not permitted, without valid reason, to drive at an exaggeratedly low speed.” (Road Traffic Ordinance)

In this example, however, there appear to be valid reasons to maintain a low speed.

A vehicle’s speed shall be adapted to what is required to ensure traffic safety. [...] In addition to other cases that are specifically stated, a driver must with consideration to the circumstances maintain a sufficiently low speed [...] in slippery road conditions.” (Road Traffic Ordinance)

Run-through of the alternative answers:

  • I must increase my speed, because it is forbidden to drive at an exaggeratedly low speed.
    – Wrong. You are permitted to drive at low speed if this is necessary. In this example, the road surface appears to be slippery and you are also approaching a bend.

  • I may be forced to reduce my speed, with consideration to the bend and the road conditions.
    – Correct. You may be forced to reduce your speed, but it is not certain that you will have to.

  • I must drive at the same speed, with consideration to the car behind me, the bend and the road conditions.
    – Wrong. If the bend is very slippery, you may be forced to reduce your speed. Consideration to traffic behind you must never cause you to drive faster than you deem to be appropriate. If you believe that you are obstructing the car behind you, you can stop at an appropriate place and allow it to pass.

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