Theory exam

Which of these road markings is a guide line?

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A: Guide line (M4)
The marking indicates the appropriate route for traffic in complicated junctions. The marking is also used in other cases where there is a need for guidance. The marking has a distance ratio of 1:1 between the dashes and spaces.

B: Solid line (M8)
A solid line indicates that the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 11 or Section 12, paragraph 3 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276), or provisions stipulated pursuant to that ordinance apply. A solid centre line can appear in both single and double form. In case of a double solid line, the distance between the lines may vary.

C: Line for public transport vehicles, etc. (M6)
The marking indicates the boundary between a lane for vehicles operating a regular service, etc. and another lane. The marking has a distance ratio of 1:1 between the dashes and spaces.

D: Warning line (M3)
A warning line is used to indicate that it is inappropriate to cross over it due to the traffic conditions. The marking indicates the boundary between lanes intended for travel in opposite directions. The marking has a distance ratio of 3:1 between the dashes and spaces.

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