Theory exam

Which sign indicates a connecting road in a separate lane?

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A: Number of lanes increases (F16)
This sign indicates an increase in the number of lanes. The sign is specific to the conditions at the location. Symbols for types of vehicles or road numbers may be included in the sign. The sign is also used as a preparatory notice that the number of lanes will increase. The distance is then stated on an additional panel. In case of a temporary re-routing of traffic, the sign may have an orange base. Otherwise, no deviating colour may be used.

B: Lane ends (F17)
This sign indicates a reduction in the number of lanes. The sign is specific to the conditions at the location. The sign is also used as a preparatory notice that a lane is ending. The distance is then stated on an additional panel. In case of a temporary re-routing of traffic, the sign may have an orange base. Otherwise, no deviating colour may be used.

C: Connecting road in a separate lane (F20)
The sign is specific to the conditions at the location. In case of a temporary re-routing of traffic, the sign may have an orange base. Otherwise, no deviating colour may be used.

D: Connecting road with acceleration lane (F19)
The sign is specific to the conditions at the location. In case of a temporary re-routing of traffic, the sign may have an orange base. Otherwise, no deviating colour may be used.

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