Driving theory questions

You have begun an overtaking manoeuvre. From behind you in the left-hand lane, another car is approaching that appears to want to overtake you. What action should you take?

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You may not obstruct the car that wants to overtake you, but at the same time you cannot be expected to make an inappropriate lane-change just to make life easier for the car behind you.

The distance between the two cars that you are overtaking is very short – in all probability, illegally short. For you to pull in between them (at A) would be extremely inappropriate. You would then not be complying with: “A driver may only [...] change lanes or otherwise change the lateral positioning of the vehicle if it is possible to do so without causing a hazard or an obstruction to other road-users”. (Road Traffic Ordinance)

In this situation, the correct action to take is to continue your planned overtaking manoeuvre and to then change lanes at point B.

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