Driving theory questions

You are driving in lane A. Can you move into B in order to, for example, overtake?

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Warning line and solid line (M11)
This marking is used where it is not permitted for a vehicle on the side of the solid line to change lanes. The marking can also be used to indicate an oncoming solid line on the side where there is a warning line.

Since the line is not solid on your side, you can cross it.

But when I change back, I then have to cross the solid line?
– Yes, but there is an exception for this. You may cross the solid line if “in the direction the vehicle is travelling there is a broken line immediately to the right of the solid line.” (Swedish Road Traffic Ordinance)

Note “in the direction the vehicle is travelling”. Despite the fact that you are over in the oncoming, the broken line still runs to the right of the right of the solid line when viewed from your perspective.

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