Theory questions

Is parking prohibited at the place shown at the end of the video?

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The road sign that prohibits parking does not apply yet. You are, however, subject to this rule:

A vehicle may not be stopped or parked [...] at a junction or within a distance of ten metres from the closest edge of an intersecting carriageway.” (Road Traffic Ordinance)

The distance to the junction is considerably less than 10 metres. Parking is therefore prohibited at the place shown at the end of the video.

It is hard to see that this is a junction.
– There is a clue in that both of the alternative answers mention a junction. There is also a sign above the prohibitory road sign showing the name of the street.

Körkortonline.se offers driving licence theory tests in English (free demo test), Swedish (free demo test) and Arabic (free demo test). This is an example of an explanation of a test question.

There is also a driving licence book online (2025).

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