Anyone want to try a different approach?
Guys. I completely agree that Swedish license is a scam. I have been talking to so many people and have been experiencing myself. Examiners try to mostly fail non-EU people giving some stupid reason which doesn’t even make any sense. A lot of people have on road drive above speed limit, no indicators, no right hand rule followed.
On top of this, decision cannot be appeal.
I wish someone changes the rules by filing a case. Many country have possibly of appealing the decision.
One of my friend failed 6 times with new reason everyone.
We are human being and no robot. Everyone makes mistakes, but important part is how we correct those mistakes.
I know a CAB drive, who has driven for 15 years in his home country but failed 5 times in Sweden.
Not interested favour of vision zero or whatever shit that is and failing people for money.
Please don’t believe in your luck first timers, everyone can make mistakes and you can make mistakes on road it you have passed for the first time. However, the guys who have failed 5 times may not make mistakes on road while driving.
It’s a never ending debate.
BTW, for the above replies.
It’s funny you think Swedish are good drivers.
How many of you can drive comfortably in a country, let’s say India?
I think just because your driving test is hard doesn’t make you a good driver.
I have no problem driving in India. Can you?
This is called gaslighting, they think they know better and this is pure BS of ”In Sweden you need to drive correctly” is absolute bollocks, in Stockholm they cross cycling lanes without blinking, they park over cycling lanes, they speak on the phone while driving (HOLDING TH FREAKING MOBILE; EVEN THOUGH THE CAR HAS A FREAKING HANDS ON SYSTEM) They can’t blink when changing lanes, when they get to the road they think they are rally drivers. They are often letting their anger drive them in difficult traffic, they can’t park parallel, they can’t reverse properly, so all in all they are as shitty as anywhere I’ve been in this planet, maybe a bit less reckless. The reason mortality rate is low is because cars and roads are safe.
The thing is that most Swedes learned how to drive locally and did it from the start with a school. If you book privately your exams they will fail you, meanwhile if you go through the traffic school they give a bit of leeway for small mistakes.
I passed recently after failing two times and I booked directly not via my school.
The issue I had/have with the test is each instructor has their own things they focus on and are extra picky about. It means that the actual test by its very nature can’t be seen as fair across the board.
My last examiner was a very experienced person and I felt she understood that basic errors during the test doesn’t mean I am a bad driver. I think I would have failed with any other instructor
The reason people are upset is because they have a risk of ending up in the same road as you. You’re saying it’s your decision to do what you like with your drivers licence despite knowing you’re cheating the system. This system is here for your and everyone else’s safety. It’s a very immature way of thinking. You’re obviously lacking self awareness when blaming others when for failing 8 times. It’s clearly not the instructors, it’s you. Being in the road while being unqualified for it puts not only your life at risk but others as well. Do you see why people are bothered? You only think of yourself, it’s rather sociopathic behaviour. “I want to drive, it doesn’t matter if I’m unable to use our roads safely”, it’s just a matter of time until you have to get your license revoked. I wish you and everyone thinking of doing the same all the best of luck when you have to re-do your license, or if you chose to take a Swedish one and also enhance your own chances of turning 40. If you took a few classes like most of us and looked over your own stubbornness, you would be a very good driver I assure you.
Also. People mentioned the traffic in India. We should be happy we don’t have a road-system as India. why would we WANT to have to adapt to that type of driving, we should be happy we don’t have to here in Sweden.
Its not the romainian license thats worrying, its the 8 times fail without seeing your fault in it
Trust me, to get Romanian license is not as easy as the author describered earlier. Even in Romania they have strict policy to check one’s residence and original non-EU license which is requested to be be exchanged. A touring for a few months with the only purpose to change the license will be immediately flagged by the migration officer there. (I know someone trying the same approach but failed to get the residence permit, not to mention the driving license LOL)
And the author seems to disappear for many months without any updates. Guess did he succeed eventually?
Does anyone care if someone dies on a road accident in India - one of the highest in the world ? You drink and drive in India without any fear of losing license or getting sentenced. So many hit & run , drunk driving deaths reported out of India.So, don’t compare. We value lives & hence the checks and balances.
In Most of the cases entire driving license process is systematic money looting process.
The examiners were intimidating and they fail more the experienced drivers as the muscle memory kicks in and people drive in their own fair style which is not matching Swedish style of driving safe on empty roads by just blindly following the safety rules, so called experienced swedish drivers don’t even know the rules properly.
The driving schools are there only to loot money they don’t even take you to the highway, that too they will suck all hard earned money if they realise you are immigrant.
However I have also heard about certain genuine examiners who are quite friendly during exam and have casual chat during the test. It is all case to case.
I recommend Sweden government to take these issues seriously as it is hard earned tax payer money being lost for non genuine reasons. Especially when mid age people apply for the license, for youths they pay from education loan and they don’t care to spend freely given money on traffic schools.
”The examiners were intimidating and they fail more the experienced drivers as the muscle memory kicks in and people drive in their own fair style which is not matching Swedish style of driving safe on empty roads”
What muscle memory are you talking about? from another country with different laws and regulations? Then you should adapt to how we drive here and learn.. we are one of the countries with the least fatal accidents / 100k.
”The driving schools are there only to loot money they don’t even take you to the highway, that too they will suck all hard earned money if they realise you are immigrant.”
Yes they do. IF they think you are ready for it.
”I recommend Sweden government to take these issues seriously as it is hard earned tax payer money being lost for non genuine reasons. Especially when mid age people apply for the license, for youths they pay from education loan and they don’t care to spend freely given money on traffic schools.”
No.. midaged people often if they have some common sens of driving can do it cheapter.. I took my card at 44 years old, no problem.. 1 theory test, 1 driving exam.. cost me less than 10k swedish. Its the effort you put in to it.
We have now booked and paid for 27 lessons and kn addition I have given my kid 5 hours a week of lessons myself for 6 months. And, I’m not sure if she will pass next week. The driving instructors are slack, they talk about their home life, are on their tablets, taking phone calls, get her to ”warm up” the car for them etc. And, they spend most time driving to an exercise, do it twice and say, now do it at home with your parents. It’s a scam for sure. We’ve spent over 40,000 sek and put on major work ourselves, I’m absolutely horrified.