Theory exam

Which statement is true?

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A prohibition of left turns has been deemed not to also entail an automatic prohibition on making a U-turn. […] According to the Court of Appeal […] a left turn and a U-turn must in principle be considered as two separate manoeuvres, which is highlighted by the fact that they are prohibited by different prohibitory signs.” (Svea Court of Appeal)

No left turn at the junction (C25)
This prohibition applies to the junction or similar location before or at which the sign is erected. The sign may relate to several junctions. In that case the distance is indicated on an additional panel. The symbol is adapted to the conditions of the location.

No U-turn (C26)
This prohibition applies to the junction or similar location before or at which the sign is erected. The sign may relate to several junctions. In that case the distance is indicated on an additional panel. The symbol is specific to the conditions at the location.

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