I took my risk trainings in Gillinge about one month ago and the theory test last week in Sthlm (passed with 54/65)
All the schools were fully booked but I managed to go to a test lesson (costed 400kr) and she gave me some tips about looking into the mirrors before indicating and not the other way around.
On Saturday I had the test at Sollentuna and FAILED mainly because I didn’t accelerate in the acceleration lane of the highway (and also bad positioning when turning to left in a one-way street). He asked me to drive around in Sollentuna and then to the highway towards Täby.
I got frustrated and there were no available slots till August. However, when I logged in to Trafikverket’s website around midnight, found a slot on Monday morning in Uppsala. I was hesitant a bit but I booked it anyways.
She saw that I failed the test two days ago and told me that this is a new test and she’ll evaluate everything. I drove around a bit and particulary paid attention to the positioning when turning. Then I drove to E4 towards Gamla Uppsala and then back to Travikverket.Fortunately PASS!
Good luck to everybody!