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Passed test in Södertälje

Asim 2024-10-23 22:38 ! Quote #
Hello everyone!

Finally I passed my driving test in Södertälje on my second attempt on Monday , evening slot. I failed on my 1st attempt with the reason being said that I was not able to maintain my speed on the highway and acceleration lane. Now that I have passed, I would like to give my 2 cents on how to go about the test.

1. Always maintain your speed according to the specified speed limit sign if the road conditions allow. I would suggest to aim to maintain at least 90 percent of the permitted speed if everything is fine.
2.Mirror-Mirror-Blindspot-indicate-blind spot -change lane : Always follow this when making a lane change or a turn. Its really monitored. The sequence is also important and you should always indicate only after you have checked your blind spot. Practice is important here.
3. Adjust your speed when you see a roundabout coming so that you dont have to stop unnecessarily. Keep looking left and find your spot. Planning is crucial. Should be practiced.
4.Look far ahead and keep scanning the for pedestrians and road signs. Show the instructor that you are looking at the pedestrians.
5. Dont keep looking at your speed. You can lose a lot of important things on the road if you concentrate too much on your speed. If you aware of speed limit, you can always adjust it .
6. Keep to your lane and do not go too right or too left, especially if the road is narrow. Vehicle placement is important. Hitting a curb can lead to instant failure.
7. Parking gives you confidence, so practice is as much as you can, so that you dont have to think during the test.
8. Left turns can be a little tricky on some busy intersections where you have to give way to the oncoming vehicles. Patience is the key here. This can be practised.
9. Be sure in head about right hand rule wherever your are, so that you can stop as and when required and you are not tentative in your decision. This really crucial in 30 roads.
10. Relax , its ok to fail. Its just a driving license and you will get it eventually.

I can answer questions related to Södertälje if someone as any. Idea about the basic highways/motorway entries is good to have here ,but its not really important to worry too much about the routes as the instructor will guide you and I feels it is important to react based on the situation instead of going in with pre conceived notions.

All the best for your test.
DrivingAgain Yesterday 13:11 ! Quote #
Congrats! And thanks for tips :) :D

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