Kuggade 2a försöket för jag körde miljövänligt

men nu finns inga tider förens i december. Har ni några tips/förslag på hur man ska hitta uppkörningstider?
Search whenever you get time. There is always some cancellation. Right now, I can see 3/4 open slots in Sep in the Stockholm area (available this Saturday in Upplands Väsby )
They have blocked all open times in december for me. I have checked every hour and it looks the same in all of stockholm for me.
They have blocked all times for me execpt in late december*
They have blocked all times for me execpt in late december*
Strange. I know that after the second attempt, you lose priority. However, right now, so many slots are available in Sept/Oct in Farsta. Many slots Nov in Upplands Väsby....Keep searching in Sollentua also; though the center was closed, what I have heard now is that they have started opening a few slots on certain days