Best location to apply in/near Stockholm
Is there a place where the staff is more friendly and less stressfull during the driving exam
I took mine in Upplands Väsby, and the instructors there was really nice and helpful
I took mine in Upplands Väsby, and the instructors there was really nice and helpful
I’ve heard some people say the instructors even tell you which file you should be in to get the best placement. Is that something you experienced?
Kinda, when I was in the wrong one, she told me the destination again right before the signs
Koping is good, only 1 hour from Stockholm
I’d my test in Jarfalla yesterday and I failed it but the instructor was good, he asked me if I prefer to stay silent or wants to talk. He would not disturb me in tough places but otherwise we’d a small chat just anything random.
I did my test in Upplands Väsby and it was great. Pretty simple place to drive and the guy I was driving with was really nice and good at explaining what he wanted me to do.