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Inspector failed me because I didn’t want to speed

Guest 2024-05-05 10:15 ! Quote #
The inspector failed me last week because I didnt sped up enough in the acceleration field onto the motorway. The speed limit is 50 and I drove at 47 or something but at half of the acceleration field there’s a 90 speed limit. I thought you could only accelerate to the speed limit AFTER the speed sign not before it. He wanted me to get close to 90 BEFORE the sign and thus breaking the law. Next time if I do this they may fail me because I could be driving above the limit. It’s no way to win if you’re a foreigner they just find bullshit excuse to fail you.
Guest 2024-05-05 10:55 ! Quote #
I find it hard to believe that there is a sign placed in the middle of the acceleration field. Are you sure it isn’t placed at the start? Any chance you can link the location on google maps?
Guest 2024-05-05 11:12 ! Quote #
Im sure it’s not at the start that’s the reason I didn’t speed up and that’s what I explained to him but he refused to accept it saying I blocked the traffics behind. Im not sure thought if it’s at the exact middle but it’s atleast few hundred meters into the acceleration field. Really common in southern Sweden.
Guest 2024-05-05 12:40 ! Quote #
Guest 2024-05-05
Im sure it’s not at the start that’s the reason I didn’t speed up and that’s what I explained to him but he refused to accept it saying I blocked the traffics behind. Im not sure thought if it’s at the exact middle but it’s atleast few hundred meters into the acceleration field. Really common in southern Sweden.
Never saw this at any field.

Could you share the location?

And saying it’s because you’re a foreigner? Com on get yourself together and book a new exam instead!
Guest 2024-05-05 12:48 ! Quote #
Why would I lie about it? Everybody wants to speed up there’s no reason not to unless there’s a speed limit and that’s the reason I didn’t. How the hell do I remember the coordinate of every motorway in a country Im new to but take your car and drive to any wand you’ll see alot of them the sign isn’t at the start of the field at all. I already book a new test but asking this because if I get another inspector will he fail me if I go over the speed limit before reaching the sign?
Guest 2024-05-18 21:58 ! Quote #
I believe you, the other guy is just being a self righteous jerk. Professionals make mistakes every day in every field, really stupid to accuse you of being wrong when all you are doing is asking for help. If my instructor told me to speed, and I was 100% sure he was wrong, I would tell him the test is over and we are going back, just fail me, and I would report him. Next time, before driving, tell your instructor about that exact situation so you are both on the same page, and let him know you will not be speeding.
Guest 2024-05-24 22:22 ! Quote #
Guest 2024-05-05
Why would I lie about it? Everybody wants to speed up there’s no reason not to unless there’s a speed limit and that’s the reason I didn’t. How the hell do I remember the coordinate of every motorway in a country Im new to but take your car and drive to any wand you’ll see alot of them the sign isn’t at the start of the field at all. I already book a new test but asking this because if I get another inspector will he fail me if I go over the speed limit before reaching the sign?
The question was, do you know where this is? can you share a google maps location where there are two signs ? Or did you simply make an misstake?
Guest 2024-05-24 22:27 ! Quote #
Guest 2024-05-18
I believe you, the other guy is just being a self righteous jerk. Professionals make mistakes every day in every field, really stupid to accuse you of being wrong when all you are doing is asking for help. If my instructor told me to speed, and I was 100% sure he was wrong, I would tell him the test is over and we are going back, just fail me, and I would report him. Next time, before driving, tell your instructor about that exact situation so you are both on the same page, and let him know you will not be speeding.
There is no situation where the instructor will tell you to speed above the speedlimit.. Unless its dangerous for anyone else.. Remember and this is an importalt one.. In swedish trafic you have no rights, only obligations. Learn your obligations and you are allright.
Guest 2024-05-25 20:04 ! Quote #
The thing is that you have to go up in speed quickly to adapt to the cars in the motorway, if they are driving at 100 in a 90 motorway then you have to accelerate to 100-105 to join even tho the speed limit is at 90.
Guest 2024-05-26 17:10 ! Quote #
Guest 2024-05-24
There is no situation where the instructor will tell you to speed above the speedlimit.. Unless its dangerous for anyone else.. Remember and this is an importalt one.. In swedish trafic you have no rights, only obligations. Learn your obligations and you are allright.
No proper situation but that is not what we are talking about and not what was asked. Stop acting like everyone one in Sweden who is even remotely considered a professional is infallible all the time. If you read my comment, and if you have any experience in the real world, you know people make mistakes, get lazy, do a poor job, don’t care etc etc. Driving instructors included. It is entirely possible, though very unlikely. an instructor told someone to speed and IF that occurred, the student should ignore the request and report the instructor. It is just that simple. For the sake of helping the OP, we should encourage them to double and triple check that they are correct and if they are, how or what they should do moving forward. We need to encourage people, not blame them, just because we assume they are wrong when the truth is we have no idea.

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