Körkortonline > Personal data

Personal data on Körkortonline.se

Account registration

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) lists different legal grounds for processing personal data. One of these is processing necessary to fulfil a contractual obligation.

If you register an account, the following information is saved: e-mail address, the date your account was created, the date it expires, your logins (IP address and time), your method of payment and your test results.

Körkortonline.se views the personal data stored when you register an account as necessary. For example, if Körkortonline.se did not store your e-mail address, you would not be able to get an electronic receipt, not be able to sign in and not be able to request a new password.

Your user account is deleted 1 year after your last sign in. IP addresses stored when you sign in are deleted after 3 months.

In order to comply with the Swedish Book-keeping Act, Körkortonline.se stores information about your purchase (e-mail address, payment reference, IP address and time) for 1 year online and an additional 6 years offline (backup). Legal ground: to meet a legal obligation.

For security reasons, your password is made illegible during registration with the use of a cryptographic hash function (bcrypt). Not even a server administrator with full authorisation is able to see your password.

Purchase from a retailer (for example, a driving school)

If you have registered your account with an activation code from a retailer (for example, a driving school), the retailer is able to see your e-mail address, your name (if you enter it), the date your account was created and its expiry, when you last signed in and your test results.

For example, if you buy an account from your driving school, you could ask your teacher about a specific test. Your teacher is then able to review the test on Körkortonline.se and offer you extra help. Körkortonline.se views it as reasonable, and in many cases even expected, that the retailer has access to this information. Legal ground: legitimate interest.


Körkortonline.se has a forum open to posts without registration of an account. In order to prevent spam and inappropriate posts, all posters IP addresses are stored. The IP addresses are deleted after 3 months. Legal ground: legitimate interest.


Körkortonline.se also stores e-mail addresses and IP addresses obtained when forms are posted (for example, failed sign in attempts and failed registration attempts). The purpose is to prevent abuse and spam. The information is deleted after 3 months. Legal ground: legitimate interest.

Data controller

The data controller is the website owner Hagberg Media AB.

Contact customer services (https://korkortonline.se/en/contact/) if you want to know what Körkortonline.se has stored about you, if you want to change something or if you want your details removed before the automatic removal.

Postal address
Hagberg Media AB
Aspvägen 5
632 33 Eskilstuna


Registration no.

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